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Greater Manchester Police News



WEB News Greater Manchester Police Officers appeal for more details following

Nineteen charged in undercover drugs investigation

The charges follow a series of raids across Greater Manchester on Thursday, in which £1m of suspected drugs and £63,000 of suspected criminal cash was seized.

GMP said Operation Venture had targeted hotspot locations across the area in order to "disrupt the distribution of illegal drugs and dismantle the organised crime groups behind it".

The force said that of the 19 people charged, 10 have been remanded into custody, with the remainder bailed. The charges include possession with intent to supply class A and B drugs and money laundering.

Det Ch Supt Stephen Watson, of GMP's Serious and Organised Crime Group, said: "This is a significant result, but it is just the beginning. We are committed to tackling the issue of drugs head on, and we will continue to work tirelessly to disrupt and dismantle the organised crime groups that are behind it.

"We want to hear from anyone who has information about drug dealing or other forms of serious and organised crime. Your information could help us to take these criminals off the streets and make our communities safer."

Greater Manchester Police was put into special measures in 2019 after a damning inspection by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS), which found that the force was "struggling to keep the public safe".

Since then, the force has undergone a major overhaul, with new leadership and a new operating model implemented. In March 2023, HMICFRS found that the force had made "significant improvements" and was no longer in special measures.

The force's latest figures show that recorded crime in Greater Manchester has fallen by 15% since March 2022. The force has also increased the number of officers on the streets, and has pledged to invest £20m in new technology over the next three years.

Chief Constable Stephen Watson has vowed to continue to implement his new plan at pace. He said: "We are not complacent. We know that there is still much more to do, but we are making good progress.

"We are determined to make Greater Manchester a safer place for everyone."
