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Oecd Labour Costs By Country

Measuring Unit Labour Costs and Competitiveness

A Key Indicator of International Price Competitiveness

Unit labour costs (ULCs) are a crucial measure of a country's international price competitiveness. They represent the average cost of labour per unit of output produced and encompass both wages and social contributions.

Historical Context and Data Changes

Previously, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) used 2010 as the reference year for ULC calculations. However, in recent years, the reference year has been shifted to 2015.

Impact of Data Changes

This change in the reference year may impact data comparisons and trends over time. As a result, researchers and policymakers need to be mindful of these changes when analyzing ULC data.


Unit labour costs remain a significant indicator of a country's price competitiveness in the global market. Understanding and monitoring ULCs is essential for policymakers to make informed decisions that support economic growth and prosperity.
